Your app settings tab contains important settings and information about your app.
Choose a menu for your app. The App Menu selection will appear as a side menu, the tabs menu will be tabs. You can select one or the other, or both.
To create a new menu, go to Menus => Add New. Add items to your menu and save. You may have to refresh the page to see this menu on the settings tab.
Enable Push Notifications
Check this box and rebuild to enable push notifications in your app.
This will have no effect if you have not already setup your push profiles correctly under Apps => My App => Push Notifications.
App Details
Enter your app details, such as title, author, website, etc.
Icon and Splash Screens
Upload the appropriately sized images here, and they will be converted into all the necessary sizes for different devices such as phones and tablets.
Universal splash screen – upload one 2732px by 2732px .png image. This image will be cropped, so make sure any logos or critical text is small in the center.
These must be .png files at the exact specified dimensions or it will not work properly. Optimizing your .png files using a service like TinyPNG to a small file size is recommended.
Offline Assets
You can upload text, images, and media that can be used in your app while offline. It is not recommended to add large files, because it will make your app size very big.
Custom Logo
Add a custom logo to the header of your app by uploading it in the “Settings” -> “Upload Header Logo” in the Customizer. The image type needs to be a PNG and the recommended height is 35 pixels. The max width should be 150 pixels.
Custom Javascript